











WATER is the most common of anything except the air we breath, and as it is so common, we are not apt to appreciate its uses; but let us talk about it a little. Water covers about three fourths of the whole surface of the globe, and is also found in large quantities beneath the soil.

Moisture rises from the great bodies of water, and from wet or moist land, in the form of vapor, and meeting the cold air above us, is condensed into clouds, when it again returns to water the earth, giving new life to all vegetation. Sometimes it freezes while it is retained above us, and comes down in snow to protect the fields from frost, and to make a pleasant way for people to ride about in sleighs, and for the children to go coasting with their bright new sleds.

Water forms a large part of the food we eat, and of everything that has life. It is Heaven's gift to man and beast for drink. It is found to be very useful in almost every kind of work about the household. The sick need it in assisting nature to throw off disease.

Water is a successful means of promoting the growth and prosperity of a country; it opens trade with other countries and supplies waterpower for the purpose of carrying on manufacturing business. A few years ago, Robert Fulton applied the power of steam as a means of propelling vessels through the water. His plan has since been matured, and now we have beautiful houses sailing through the water, carrying people from one place to another. This same power is applied to the locomotives, which go hurrying through our land, from east to west, from north to south, like things of life.

God has not "divided the waters from the waters," making here a lake or river and there the sea or ocean, merely for the uses 'above mentioned, but he did it to adorn the earth which he made to appear. There is beauty in the dancing brook that flows down the hillside, winding around through the meadows; in the gently flowing river, as we view its pebbly bed through the clear water; in the waterfall as it dashes down over the rocks; 

in the lakes dotting the country, thus adding joy to the hearts of many whose homes are situated on their sunny shores. There is grandeur in the restless ocean with its great swelling waves; there is music in its roar. A sense of the greatness and power of the Maker strikes one forcibly as he is borne swiftly over the wild billows of such a vast, deep body of water, thousands of miles in length and width, its depth unknown.



